N-xt Fertilizers can be applied in several ways:
• injection before sowing/planting;
• injection during sowing planting;
• injection after sowing/planting;
• spraying using a 7-hole nozzle;
fine-seeded crops, cereals and grassland;
• spraying using a fine nozzle; foliar fertilizers
for various crops.
All these methods have been tried in practice and proved technically feasible.
The liquid soil fertilizer is almost always injected into the soil in a concentrated form to make the most efficient possible use of the fertilizer’s stability and enable the crop to take up the right nutrients over a long period of time.
On top of these advantages, liquid fertilizers:
• facilitate precision farming;
• promote more efficient use of fertilizers;
• can be applied precisely where they are needed.
Select the crop from the menu (left) and see more information about the fertilisers.