Unique Soil Analyze with N-xt Soil Services

Publicatiedatum: 19-01-2018

Since last year N-XT soil Services has been officially consultant to the Kinsey-Albrecht soil analyses. This unique analysis is the basis of 40 years of worldwide experience to bring grounds to a higher fertility level. In particular, the combination with fertilizers and products, which are ' soil and plant friendly ', have now given new insights and experiences in North Eastern Europe.

In recent years, education and training in the U.S. has been followed by Neal Kinsey and the vision and innovation within N-xt Fertilizers has been further developed. The picture above shows this vision in one image. The soil is central to agriculture, but there are clear some natural processes that we should not underestimate and forget. We will therefore have to work more with a solution-oriented (total) approach instead of the product-oriented (parts) approach!!

The knowledge and advice with the right tools may be a more important part. The Kinsey-Albrecht Soil Analysis is a first example of which is now successfully deployed practice. Read more on the new website www.healthy-soil.com  or contact us for more questions and info.